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Art of Synthesis II
Welcome to Art of Synthesis II!
Welcome to Art of Synthesis II!
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FEMME HOUSE BandLab Sample Pack
Week 1 - Fundamentals of Synthesis
Week 1 Zoom Link
Week 1 Class Recording (117:41)
Week 1 Notes - Fundamentals of Sythesis
Properties of Sound (22:19)
Parts of the Synth (20:24)
Synth Exploration (23:53)
Ableton Live Vocab
Week 1 Assignment
Week 1 Quiz
Week 2 - Creating Movement with Modulation
Week 2 Zoom Link
Week 2 Class Recording (125:05)
Week 2 Notes - Creating Movement with Modulation
Modulation (27:44)
Creating Bass Patches (15:26)
Chorus, Reverb, and Delay (18:55)
Week 2 Assignment
Week 2 Quiz
Week 3 - Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: Effects Processing
Week 3 Zoom Link
Week 3 Notes - Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: Effects Processing
Week 3 Class Recording (120:44)
Setting up a Hardware Synth with Ableton Live (13:18)
Creating Chord Patches (18:15)
Going Down the Rabbit Hole of Effects Processing (15:29)
Week 3 Assignment
Week 3 Quiz
Week 4 - Shaping Your Sonic World
Week 4 Zoom Link
Week 4 Class Recording (121:05)
Week 4 Notes - Shaping Your Sonic World
Sampling Your Synths with Simpler (17:57)
Week 4 Assignment
Week 4 Quiz
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Week 2 Assignment
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